Dermal Fillers


Restore Volume to Your Lips, Cheeks, Under Eye Hollowness, Jawlines, and More!



Dermal fillers are non-surgical injectable gels made from hyaluronic acid - the featured ingredient in many moisturizers, and a naturally occurring compound found in skin. Dermal fillers work to restore and plump up soft tissue volume, smooth the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and / or give lips and cheeks a naturally fuller look.


During your complimentary consultation our nurse injector will evaluate your skin condition, facial structure and your concerns to select the best product for your needs. Filler will then be then injected into your desired treatment area and will add structure and volume to bring sunken skin back to the surface. Results are natural-looking and treatment is safe with little downtime.


Depending on your selected treatment area, the procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Mild swelling, bruising, and soreness may occur. You will see your results immediately and can expect them to last 6-24 months (depending on filler and area).


  • -Please arrive with clean skin so that we can properly assess your skin and determine where to make injections

    -Avoid NSAIDS (ie: ibuprofen), and/or Aleve for 1 week prior

    -Avoid taking St. John’s Wort and Vitamin E for 1 week prior

    -Avoid Retin-A, Tretinoin and Retinoids for 3 days prior

    -Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours prior

    -Start Arnica tablets the day before treatment

    -No dental appointments 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks following the injectable appointment

  • Dermal fillers contain lidocaine, a common anesthetic, which helps patients tolerate the minor pinching feeling associated with injections. Topical numbing agents can be utilized to lesson discomfort.

  • One of the things that makes dermal fillers so great is there's little downtime. Immediately after the treatment, there may be redness, bruising, swelling, tenderness and / or itching at or near the injection site. These symptoms are normal and should resolve within a few days. But for this reason we do not recommend scheduling your appointment right before a big event.

  • Results can be seen immediately after treatment and will get better over the course of 2-3 weeks as the filler integrates with your own tissue. Filler can last anywhere from 6-24 months depending on the filler used and the injection area.

  • We carry a wide range of dermal fillers including Juvederm, Restalyne, etc. Our nurse injector will meet with you to discuss the best options to meet your goals.

  • -No makeup right after treatment

    -No lying down for 4 hours

    -Avoid touching your face for 24 hours post treatment except to apply aquaphor and arnica gel

    -No exercise/working out for 24 hours

    -Avoid extreme heat or cold for 24 hours

    -No facials for 2 weeks

    -For lip injections only: no straws, smoking, or heavy kissing for 2 weeks post treatment